A range of vitamins, herbal tinctures and other natural food supplements produced using our unique nano-liposomal technology, supporting an increase in the body's defenses and resistance. These are natural substances with a high nutritional content that positively affect our health.

NEO-Dtox, dietary supplement, 50 ml - respiratory system and detoxification
Respiratory system and detoxification
690 Kč

Skin elasticity, nutrition of joints and bones, hair and nails
1 150 Kč

ADAPTOGEN X9, dietary supplement, 60 capsules, glass
Adaptation of the organism to stress and exhaustion
590 Kč

On sale
Vitamin D3+K2 with sea buckthorn oil, food supplement 50ml - SPECIAL PRICE
Imunitní systém a obranyschopnost
882 Kč
980 Kč

Doplněk stravy ve ústního formě spreje na podporu imunity. Obsažené byliny a účinné látky: Bezinka / Kosatec / Propolis / Acerola
280 Kč

GarliFerm, dietary supplement - black garlic extract - defense and immune system
Imunitní systém a obranyschopnost
450 Kč

KRENZYME, horseradish root extract, dietary supplement 50 ml
Imunitní systém a obranyschopnost
430 Kč

On sale
2x VIGRIN FORTE, dietary supplement, 90 capsules, glass
Hormonální a sexuální funkce
1 980 Kč
2 380 Kč