The high content of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA contributes to the normal functioning of the heart. Unique phospholipid structure targeted distribution of EPA and DHA directly to the relevant tissues of the heart, brain, eyes, joints, etc.

690 Kč

POLAR PLANKTON OMEGA-3 PLUS is an important source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic), which contribute to the normal functioning of the heart. Here, omega-3 fatty acids are mainly bound to phospholipids. This unique phospholipid structure ensures the efficient use of EPA and DHA fatty acids and their targeted distribution directly to the relevant tissues of the heart, brain, eyes, joints, etc.

Choline, which is a natural component of krill oil, contributes to normal lipid metabolism and the maintenance of normal liver function.

One capsule contains a high dose of 590 mg of high-purity, cold-extracted, filtered krill oil that has been purified from unwanted sea salts and triglycerides to obtain EPA and DHA that are immediately bioavailable to the body and more effective than EPA and DHA from fish oil. The small soft gel capsules are easy to swallow and have no fishy smell.

POLAR PLANKTON OMEGA-3 PLUS contains oil that is obtained from fast-growing marine plankton, the crustacean krill (Euphausia superba) living in the Antarctic Ocean. Krill shell oil also naturally contains beneficial choline, phospholipids and astaxanthin.

The crustacean krill is a species of plankton abundant in the oceans around Antarctica. They feed on seaweed, which produces omega-3 fatty acids. These then accumulate in their bodies and are subsequently extracted in the form of oil. Algae are also a natural source of astaxanthin, which gives the oil its characteristic red color. Because Antarctic krill grow very quickly, are at the very bottom of the food chain, and are only found in Antarctic waters, they are not as threatened by increased concentrations of accumulated contaminants as fish from which fish oil is produced.

According to clinical studies*, it is effective to take omega-3 fatty acids in the form of phospholipids. Thanks to this, krill oil capsules are smaller than most fish oil capsules and thus increase the comfort of use. Another advantage is the solubility of phospholipids in water, which helps to alleviate reflux and unpleasant stomach feelings when taking large capsules. Astaxanthin, which occurs naturally in krill oil, helps maintain the long-term stability of omega-3 fatty acids.


*Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13, 15401-15419. Marine Omega-3 Phospholipids: Metabolism and Biological Activities.


Krill shell oil (Euphausia superba) - crustacean, beef gelatin, humectants: glycerol and sorbitol, water, aroma: ethyl vanillin 60 capsules (50 g)

Sustainability is important to us, so NEOBOTANICS capsules use only krill oil obtained using ECO Harvesting Technology. This ensures that, on the one hand, all the valuable components of the krill are preserved, and on the other hand, the gentle fishing method effectively prevents unwanted by-catch. It goes without saying that strictly limited fishing quotas for krill are respected. MSC certification.

Take 2 capsules daily with a meal. Pregnant and lactating women are advised to discuss the total amount of omega-3 intake with their attending physician. Also suitable for long-term use.

The recommended daily dose of 2 capsules and NEOBOTANICS® Krill Oil provides 1180 mg of Antarctic Krill Oil. In this dose, it provides 318 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, including 178 mg of EPA and 82 mg of DHA, 660 mg of marine phospholipids, 82 mg of choline and 100 mcg of the highly effective naturally esterified carotenoid astaxanthin (up to 10 times higher bioavailability).

Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function at a daily intake of 250 mg. A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA.


Do not use if you are allergic to fish or shellfish. Not intended for children under 3 years of age. Store in the original packaging, in a dry place at temperatures of 5-25°C. Store out of reach of children. The product is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Alexandra Fulnečková

velmi spokojená

Děkujeme za výbornou recenzi, paní Fulnečková.
tým Neobotanics

Jana Málková Želechovská

Vyborny výrobek. Po běžném rybím oleji v tobolkach mi bylo těžko od žaludku a behem dne se mi vracela vůně rybiny zpět do úst. U tohoto výrobku se mi nic z toho nestalo.

Zdravíme Jano, ano, máte pravdu, Polar omega 3 krill tobolky mají naštěstí nerybinovou chuť :-)
Děkujeme za výborné hodnocení.
Tým Neobotanics

Markéta Chýňavová

Polar Omega 3 Krill Pro

Děkujeme Markéto za výborné hodnocení!
Pevné zdraví přeje Alena
Tým Neobotanics

Helena Jarochová

Užívám tento produkt už téměř rok a jsem s ním spokojená.

Helenko, jste naše věrná zákaznice :-) Moc děkujeme za Vaši přízeň a přejeme pevné zdraví!
Alena za tým Neobotanics

Polar Omega 3 Krill Pro

Jsem velmi spokojen.

To nás velmi těší :-)
Polar omega 3 krill pro je velmi vhodný zejména pro kvalitu tkání srdce, mozku, očí, kloubů, jak pro aktivní sportovce, tak třeba pro starší lidi.
Děkujeme za Vaši přízeň!


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