Unique concentrated herbal tincture with extracts from 14 traditional Czech herbs for the lymphatic system and vascular system. Without ethanol.

430 Kč

Herbal tincture FLAVO-LYMF, undiluted tincture with extracts of plants rich in flavonoids.

It supports the lymphatic system, coneflower, yarrow and yarrow for the normal function of the urinary tract and kidneys, burdock for blood purification, leafwort and bilberry for the normal function of the vascular system, nettle for the excretion of water from the body, dandelion for detoxification, honeysuckle for the normal function of the liver and bile ducts.



Dandelion - for the normal functioning of the lymphatic system

Yarrow - normal function of the urinary tract and kidneys, excretion

Leafy spurge - normal function of the vascular system

Nettle - normal function of the vascular system, normal kidney function and excretion of water from the body

Bilberry - normal activity of the vascular system, antioxidant

Dandelion - normal function of the urinary system, detoxification

Marigold - normal liver and biliary function

Yarrow - normal urinary tract and kidney function, excretion of water from the body

Glycerol (extracting agent), purified water, extract from the root of thorn needle 535 mg*, root of leafy spurge 430 mg*, root of stinging nettle 360 mg*, root of spearmint 320 mg*, sprig of sow thistle 300 mg*, sprig of elm 300 mg*, cranberry blossom 250 mg*, yarrow blossom 215 mg*, lemon balm leaf and blossom 215 mg*, benedictine blossom 180 mg*, burdock root 180 mg*, mullein blossom 115 mg*, grape rhizome 110 mg* and German iris rhizome 70 mg*). Extraction ratio 1:10 w/w. *Content in a daily dose (60 drops)

The recommended dose is 20 drops 3 times a day - a total of 60 drops.

We recommend using Flavo-Lymph as a peel for min. 2 months in the amount of approx. 60 drops per day, divided into 3 doses. Individual dosing is the most suitable, i.e. the daily number of drops corresponding to the weight, divided into 3 doses. So, for example, a 75 kg person uses 75 drops, divided into 3 x 25 drops per day. After this peel, the dosage can be reduced, or drop and re-deploy or increase according to the current state.

Tip for use: You can take the drops directly or in a glass of water, fruit juice or cold tea and drink immediately.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. It is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Not intended for children, pregnant and lactating women. Keep out of sight and reach of children, protect from direct sunlight. After opening, keep refrigerated (up to 8°C) and consume within 3 months. Consult your doctor about the use of the product and its duration. Do not use or discontinue use of the product if liver disease is suspected.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

Výrobek, který opravdu funguje. Kupuji ho opakovaně. Pozoruji na sobě, že odvodnění je viditelné hlavně na obličeji, tak i na nohou(třísla, kotníky). Také mi dělá radost úbytek na váze. Určitě ho doporučuji.

Máme velkou radost, že Vám Flavo-Lymf tak pomáhá :-)
Děkujeme za Vaši přízeň.
Alena za tým Neobotanics

Dagmar Klimova

asi to funguje ....

Děkujeme za recenzi

Jana Perutková

Nezkouším přípravek ještě dlouho, ale zdá se mi, že jako jedna z mála věcí na lymfatický systém opravdu funguje.

Jano, jsme rádi, že Flavo-lymf Vám pomáhá :-)
Děkujeme za dobré hodnocení.
Tým Neobotanics

Jiřina Kolářová

Jsem velmi spokojená

To jsme moc rádi, Jiřino :-)
A děkujeme za recenzi.
Alena za tým Neobotanics

Hana Iblová


Děkujeme za dobrou recenzi! Jsme rádi, že Vám Flavo-lymf pomáhá...
Alena za Neobotanics


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